The mission of College Life Clubs is to primarily help create new university clubs, act as a marketing device for current registered College Clubs, and third, Promote the importance of joining these Clubs. The college life clubs website was originally started so that students could create clubs that were for students at their University Only. After 10 Years of waiting for the opportunity to create a website for college clubs under the “non-registered” club model, the realization that colleges already had an outrageous amount of Registered Student Organizations became evident.
Never-the-less, by allowing students to create groups associated with the University, but not governed by University rules, the user is able to bypass the regulations, red tape, laws and paperwork that accompanies most Registered Student Organizations, and thus college life clubs creates more freedom, more clubs, and fundamentally- more fun.
The ultimate goal of college life clubs is to help students have a better college experience- helping to facilitate more experiences, more friendships, more fun, connections for future careers, helping to create relationships, marriages and even kids.